Course Benefits

Benefits fully_compliant icon
Fully compliant
This course follows the guidance of Annex 13 of the European Commission's GMP guidelines
Benefits certification icon
All learners who pass the final exam receive a uniquely numbered, personal certificate to demonstrate their subject knowledge. Since the questions are picked randomly from a database, re-sitting the exam doesn’t mean taking the same questions again and again.
Benefits affordable icon
Our cost-effective prices represent excellent value. You can easily pay up to ten-times more for face-to-face training. We can also offer generous group discounts on larger purchases.
Benefits time_saving icon
Our new administration system makes it incredibly quick and simple to allocate licences to multiple learners. Learners save time too by choosing when and where they complete the training. Our reporting tools make it easy for administrators to check the progress of learners and identify areas for future training.
Benefits reliable_and_trustworthy icon
Reliable and trustworthy
This course was written by McCarthy Consultant Services Inc (Canadian specialists in regulatory work to support the global pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, food, natural health products and cosmetic industries). You will also stay up to date with any legislative changes in GMP relating to IMPs as our training courses are constantly monitored, reviewed and updated.

Whitehall Training
Whitehall Training
Whitehall Training
Whitehall Training
Whitehall Training
Whitehall Training
Whitehall Training
Whitehall Training
Whitehall Training
Whitehall Training
Whitehall Training
Whitehall Training